AirAisa India Bangalore to Kochi Flights for Rs 500 only

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Package Start from
Rs 500/pp

Another unbelievable cheap flight ticket offer from newly launched AirAsia India Airlines from Bangalore to Kochi flights. The airline will start flights from next month starting at Rs 500 only.

Booking Period: 16 June 2014 to 22 June 2014
Travel from: 20 July to 25 Oct 2014
Date of flight operation: 20 July 2014

AirAsia India announced flights between Bangalore and Kochi from next month with a limited offer of an all-inclusive fare of Rs 500. The airline, which had launched its first flight between AirAisa Bangalore and Goa flights on June 12, would start daily operations from Bangalore to Kochi and vice versa from July 20, an airline spokesperson said.

Announcing the third destination Kochi, within a few days from its launch, the AirAsia airlines promises to deliver a quality product to the guests with value for their money.

AirAsia India will be operating twice-a-day flight on the Bangalore-Chennai-Bangalore route from June 19, besides the daily flight between Bangalore and Goa.

For booking cheap low cost flights visit:

Package Valid Till : 22 June 2014

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Note: The rates mentioned in this package are lowest and subject to change without prior notice. The peak season rates are different as mentioned here, kindly contact the travel agent before booking.

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Bangalore to Kochi Flights from AirAsia India

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