Free Shopping worth Rs.5000/- on Every Flight, Hotel or Bus Booking..
Now book any flight, hotel or bus and get free shopping worth Rs.5000/-. All these offers are specially bundled for you – be it baby products, shoes, flight booking discounts, hotel discount or general shopping. It is simple to get this offer – just use promotion code: GO5000
OFFER VALID TILL: 31st July 2013
Offer details:
Flat 25% off on online shopping-
Rs. 500 off on free gift voucher- print
Rs. 750 off on online shopping-
Flat 15% off on online shopping
Flat 20% off on online shopping-
Rs. 150 off on online shopping-
Flat 15% off on Furniture & Home decor- Fab furnish
Rs. 750 off on Eyeglasses & Sunglasses-
Free Chocolates with floral Mall products- floral mall
Rs. 900 off on Health care- indus health
Rs. 500/- off on Purchase of Rs. 1000-
Free Garlic Bread on Bill of Rs. 400- Dominos pizza
Rs. 600 off on Hotel Booking-
Flat 20% off on Flower Purchase- fernsnpetals
Flat 25% off on all products- floristsin
Rs. 200 off on Cakes, chocolates and more- sofia raj
Rs. 100 off on bus booking-
Rs. 248 off Unlimited Movies free- Big flix
Rs. 500 off on Jewellery-
Rs. 250 off on Aroma products- aroma shop
Flat 30% off- Furniture on sale
100% of Two tickets @price of one
offer Details
*T&c Apply
For booking and more information visit
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Note: The rates mentioned in this package are lowest and subject to change without prior notice. The peak season rates are different as mentioned here, kindly contact the travel agent before booking.
If you have not decided yet or wants to customize tour itinerary or hotels listed above in "Book any flight, hotel or bus and get free shopping voucher", then we can change the travel itinerary and make a personalized, tailor-made holiday package, especially for you. We can modify this travel package as per your itinerary, budget, duration and the tourist places you would like to visit, including transportation and airfare should be included or not. Please fill the form below to contact us.