Looking for the weather, climate conditions and forecast for Assam, India? View current (latest) Assam weather conditions; see a 7 or 14-day rainfall forecast, get local travel conditions and review Assam, India satellite and radar maps, temperature and rainfall statistics for Assam.
Best Time to Visit Assam: October to June
Assam observes temperate climate and its weather is characterized by heavy downpour and humidity. The hilly areas usually experience sub-alpine climatic condition, while excessive sultriness is observed in the plain lands of Assam. Though summer, winter and monsoons are the three seasons that visit the state, rainy season marks the most of the months of a year. Summers prevail for a few months between March and June.
However, temperature never goes beyond 35°C – 38°C even in the summer months. Rain showers occur erratically and keep the temperature under control, nevertheless humidity levels shoot up. In the late-June, monsoon arrives with the oath to drench the state. Usually the intensity of rainfall crosses the extent and leads to natural catastrophes like floods. During the afternoons, thunderstorms are very common. Such heavy precipitation lasts till the month of September.
In the dry season, normally November to April, Assam experiences clear sunny days with brilliantly blue cloudless skies. If it is overcast, however, it can get chilly and the temperature always drops at night. When visiting in the dry winter season bring jumpers, jackets and shawls for the evenings and in case it gets cloudy during the day. Layering clothing is a wise strategy.
October to April is considered the best time to visit Assam as these months offer a mild and moderate climate with pleasant and sunny days and cool nights. Assam is never extremely cold or hot though during December and January.
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