Dehradun Weather Forecast

Looking for the weather, climate conditions and forecast for Dehradun, India? View current (latest) Dehradun  weather conditions; see a 7 or 14-day rainfall forecast, get local travel conditions and review Dehradun, India satellite and radar maps, temperature and rainfall statistics for Dehradun.

Dehradun Weather Forecast for Next 7 Days - When to Visit Dehradun


Best Seasons to Travel in Dehradun

Best Time to Visit Dehradun: Throughout the year

Dehradun Weather Updates

Winters in the city during December to February experience maximum of 22 °C and a minimum of about 3 °C temperature.

Summers in the city during March to June experience a maximum temperature of 35 °C and a minimum of 17 °C. Summers are most preferred by tourists for visiting as it is best for adventure and sightseeing.

Monsoon in the city during July to September offer mild to medium rainfall during which period the destination looks more attractive.

Autumn in the city during October to November can be enjoyed as the regions turn burnt red with lively shades of gold.

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