Guwahati Weather Forecast

Looking for the weather, climate conditions and forecast for Guwahati, India? View current (latest) Guwahati weather conditions; see a 7 or 14-day rainfall forecast, get local travel conditions and review Guwahati, India satellite and radar maps, temperature and rainfall statistics for Guwahati.

Guwahati Weather Forecast for Next 7 Days - When to Visit Guwahati


Best Seasons to Travel in Guwahati

Best Time to Visit Guwahati: October to April

Guwahati Weather Updates

Summer: The summer season in Guwahati lasts from March to June. During this season, the temperature ranges from a low of 25.5 degree C to an average high of 32.1 degree C. This is followed by the monsoons, which brings relief from the humid summers.

Monsoon: Monsoon season in Guwahati lasts from July to August/ early September. It is preceded by the autumn season which is, by far, the most favorable season to visit the place, as the climate during these months is warm and moderate.

Winter: Autumn, in turn, is followed by the winter season (November to February) in Guwahati. The mercury reading during this time of the year is around 11.5 degree C to 26.4 degree C. Winters have scanty rainfall and the mornings and afternoons are usually misty and foggy.

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