Uttar Pradesh Weather Forecast

Looking for the weather, climate conditions and forecast for Uttar Pradesh, India? View current (latest) UP weather conditions; see a 7 or 14-day rainfall forecast, get local travel conditions and review Uttar Pradesh, India satellite and radar maps, temperature and rainfall statistics for Uttar Pradesh.

Uttar Pradesh Weather Forecast for Next 7 Days - When to Visit Uttar Pradesh


Best Seasons to Travel in Uttar Pradesh

Best Time to Visit Uttar Pradesh: October to March

Uttar Pradesh Weather Updates

Uttar Pradesh has a humid temperate climate. It experiences four seasons- winter in January and February followed by summer between March and May and the monsoon season between June and September. The Summers are extreme with temperatures fluctuating anywhere between 0 °C and 50 °C in parts of the state.

The typical summer months are from March to June, with maximum temperatures ranging from 30 to 38 °C and low relative humidity of around 20% and dust-laden winds blow throughout the season.

The winter months from October to March are the very best for a visit to the plains of Uttar Pradesh as the summers are too hot and dry for comfort.

If you have any suggestions, feedback regarding Uttar Pradesh weather, climate and best time to visit Uttar Pradesh or You want to add or remove any particular information about Uttar Pradesh weather then please email us at: support(at)traveldealsfinder(dot)com (Do mention the URL of page for which you are making any suggestions).

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